
Tickets für die PCIM Expo & Conference 2025

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Fachmedien, Partner & Sponsoren

Die PCIM Expo kooperiert mit den führenden Fachmedien der Leistungselektronik, um Sie stets mit den neuesten Branchenthemen zu versorgen. Entdecken Sie hier zudem unsere geschätzten Partner und Sponsoren der Veranstaltung. 


Konferenz Sponsoren


elektronic specifier

Electronic Specifier

Electronic Specifier has established itself as Europe’s premier publisher of information resources to the Global Electronics Industry and is Europe’s fastest growing network of resources, with over 1,000 new products, technical documents and video tutorials added every week.

Electronic Specifier’s growing portfolio of websites, blogs, e-newsletters and digital magazines deliver the information that engineers require to quickly move from concept development to production line.

Power Electronics Europe

Power Electronics Europe

Power Electronics Europe is the leading Pan-European power electronics magazine. It provides engineers with the information they need to be totally conversant with the technological developments that form an essential element in the successful design of efficient and competitive power electronics systems.

To receive your free copy please register at

Yole Group

Yole Group

Yole Group is an international company, recognized for its expertise in the analysis of markets, technological developments and supply chains, as well as the strategy of key players in the semiconductor, photonic and electronic sectors. Yole Group’s business is based on daily interactions with a network of major operators in these industries, built on mutual trust over the years.

We provide industrial companies, financial investors and R&D organizations, with market research and marketing analysis, technology, supply chain and cost analysis, as well as performance evaluation, to help our customers in their decision-making about their future business and manufacturing strategy in the semiconductor, photonic and electronic sectors.  

More information is available on the company's website:


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