PCIM – Hub for Power Electronics
The world of power electronics united in one hub
Welcome to the Hub for Power Electronics by the PCIM – the meeting place for the power electronics community. The Hub creates a platform that enables you to expand your specialist knowledge, exchange ideas with experts and present your products and solutions across the industry – far beyond national borders. The PCIM Expo & Conference, the PCIM Insights and the PCIM Events give you year-round access to the latest trends and developments in the industry. This combination enables you to shape and drive forward developments in power electronics in the best possible way.
PCIM Expo & Conference
The PCIM Expo & Conference in Nuremberg, Germany is the leading international event for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management. It connects experts from industry and academia dedicated to driving forward products, research and development along the entire value chain. This has made the PCIM Expo & Conference an unmissable meeting place for the industry for decades.
The next PCIM Expo & Conference dates:
PCIM Insights
The PCIM Insights offer you a comprehensive collection of current trends, developments and news from the power electronics industry all year round. This way, you stay up to date to keep power electronics constantly moving forward.
PCIM Events
Efficient exchange with experts in the industry is the cornerstone for constantly advancing developments in power electronics. That's why the PCIM events offer you year-round networking opportunities and the chance to exchange ideas and knowledge.